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 Need Extra Income Ahead Of The Holidays? Check Out These Seasonal Remote Jobs

Looking to earn some extra cash this holiday season? These seasonal remote jobs pay up to $40 per hour and allow you to work from the comfort of your home in Kansas City.

Here are a handful of temporary positions hiring now:

Content Specialist at Aquent Talent

Pay: Starts at $34.28 per hour

Details: With a start date of Dec. 4, this HR company is looking for someone who can create content, engage with users on Slack, coordinate “gamification” experiences and develop new engagement projects for the company’s online community.

Customer Services Assistant at Sgro & Roger Attorneys at Law

Pay: Starts at $27.74 per hour

Details: This customer-facing job involves answering calls and emails and doing administrative work like data entry for a Las Vegas-based law firm. Previous customer service experience is preferred but not required.

Public Records Analyst at First Advantage

Pay: Starts at $16 per hour

Details: This temporary role involves conducting pre-employment background checks on potential employees for a variety of clients using court information, criminal records and other personnel data.

Production Assistant at the Bleacher Report

Pay: Starts at $39,312 per year

Details: This social media content creator role involves pitching and producing short-form social media videos, posts and other content related to professional sports. Candidates should have knowledge and passion for internet culture and strong knowledge of the NBA and NFL.

Tax Accountant at Coval Anderson Coval LLC

Pay: Starts at $40 per hour

Details: This independent contractor position involves 35-45 hours of work per week during tax season reviewing tax documents and preparing tax returns without advanced accounting expertise. An accounting degree is preferred but not required.

Part Time Billing Manager at Fifth Avenue Forensics

Pay: Starts at $30 an hour

Details: This administrative role involves handling billing and processing payments for a forensic psychiatry practice. The three-month position involves 15-20 hours of work per week but includes the possibility of permanent hiring. Experience and education in medical or legal billing are required.

Medical Records Clerk at Managed Resources, Inc.

Pay: Starts at $16 an hour

Details: This administrative job involves receiving, tracking and organizing medical records for a healthcare consulting firm. Experience in the healthcare industry and working with medical records is preferred, but no advanced degree or special qualifications are required.

Do you have more questions about labor or wages in Kansas City? Ask the Service Journalism team at kcq@kcstar.Com.

The Pay Raise People Say They Need To Be Happy

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People are often convinced their lives would improve if only they could climb a few rungs on the income ladder.

They are right, to an extent. Many studies have found a link between income and happiness, both in terms of day-to-day mood and longer-term life satisfaction. Having more money would help many people afford necessities, and on average, richer people report being happier.

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Warning: Buy Now, Pay Later Users' Financial Well-being At Risk, Survey Says

BNPL profits have increased chiefly because existing users rely heavily on this debt product, a Morning Consult survey said.  (iStock)

Shoppers are using buy now, pay later (BNPL) to borrow and spend a lot; they're also having difficulty keeping up with debt payments, according to a recent Morning Consult survey.

Over one-third (37%) of Gen Z adults used BNPL in August. Around a third of millennials (32%) also made a BNPL purchase in August. Gen Xers and baby boomers rely less on the debt product, with only 16% opting to use BNPL.

Although many of these consumers have incomes above $50,000 annually, they're more likely than the average consumer to live in households with higher rates of debt across the board, including medical, credit card, auto, student, mortgage, home equity and personal loan debt. Moreover, one-third said they used their credit cards to pay off buy now, pay later loans, "which could create a vicious cycle that's hard to overcome," Morning Consult Financial Services Analyst Jaime Toplin said.    

More than two out of five users carry buy now, pay later debt, and one-quarter of them missed a payment last month. Another 25% said they paid late fees, 27% saw a decline in their credit score and 22% interacted with a debt collector. 

"If their personal debt situation worsens, these figures could rise, creating real problems for these users at a time when interest rates are already high," Toplin said.

If you're struggling with high-interest credit card debt, you could consider paying it down with a personal loan at a lower interest rate. Visit Credible to compare options from different lenders without affecting your credit score.


BNPL users have lower credit scores

BNPL user's credit scores are, on average, roughly 50 points lower than non-users, according to  Federal Reserve research. The average BNPL borrower scored in the subprime category (580-669), while the credit scoring for non-users averaged as near-prime (670-739), according to a separate Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) report.

Lower credit scores lead to higher interest rates on traditional credit products, which makes BNPL an attractive alternative. For example, subprime-rated borrowers would have faced interest rates between 19% and 23% annually if they had chosen to purchase using a credit card instead of a zero-interest product like BNPL, according to the CFPB.

BNPL providers partner with retailers to allow shoppers to split the cost of their online purchases into multiple installments at checkout. Part of the appeal is that the installment payments, which typically begin within a few weeks of the purchase, are interest-free. However, missed payments can result in late fees and other penalties. 

If you're struggling with making your monthly payments and managing your budget, you could consider paying off high-interest debt such as credit cards with a personal loan. Visit Credible to speak with a personal loan expert and get your questions answered.


CFPB plans to regulate BNPL operators

The CFPB does not currently oversee BNPL providers but has plans to issue guidance or rules that would bring the sector in line with the standards that Congress has already established for credit cards, the agency said in a report. As part of this review, the agency will also ensure that BNPL lenders, like credit card companies, are subject to appropriate supervisory examinations.

The CFPB is concerned that the ease of access to this financing product could leave consumers at risk of quickly becoming overextended and may drive them deeper into debt. 

"Since buy now, pay later is like other forms of credit, we are working to ensure that borrowers have similar protections and that companies play by similar rules," CFPB Director Rohit Chopra said.

BNPL providers are also providing services that put the financial well-being of consumers center stage. 

"Some providers, like Affirm, are already increasing transparency in underwriting, which could have the effect of limiting debt double-dipping," Toplin said. "But providers can also go further on their own through features like Klarna's "Pay Now" button, which lets users pay through the app without taking out a loan. Otherwise, users might flee as they sort out their finances, especially during a potential economic downturn or spending pullback."

If you are looking for alternative forms of credit to help fund a large purchase, you could consider using a personal loan. Visit Credible to make sure you’re getting the best rate and lender for your needs.


Have a finance-related question, but don't know who to ask? Email The Credible Money Expert at moneyexpert@credible.Com and your question might be answered by Credible in our Money Expert column.

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