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Blog Research Complete Course 2024 | Blog Client Hunting Methods | Learn With Zilli

Are you looking for information on a complete blogging course for 2024, or are you asking for recommendations on the best courses available? Let me know what you're specifically interested in so I can help you more effectively.Finding clients for your blog, whether for freelance writing, sponsored content, or other blogging services, can be challenging. Here are some effective methods to help you attract and secure clients:

1. Leverage Social Media

  • LinkedIn: Optimize your LinkedIn profile to highlight your blogging skills and experience. Regularly post content that demonstrates your expertise and engage in relevant groups.
  • Twitter & Instagram: Use these platforms to share your blog content, industry insights, and connect with potential clients by participating in conversations and using relevant hashtags.

2. Cold Outreach

  • Email Marketing: Research companies or individuals who might benefit from your blogging services. Send personalized emails that showcase your expertise, provide samples of your work, and suggest how you can add value to their business.
  • Direct Messaging: Use platforms like LinkedIn to send direct messages to decision-makers in companies within your niche.

3. Networking

  • Industry Events & Conferences: Attend both online and offline events related to your blogging niche. This can include webinars, workshops, and industry conferences where you can meet potential clients.
  • Local Meetups: Join local business groups or networking meetups where small businesses or startups gather. These groups often need blogging services but might not know where to find reliable writers.

4. Freelance Platforms

  • Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer: Create detailed profiles on these platforms, showcasing your portfolio and specifying your niche. Regularly bid on relevant projects and deliver high-quality work to build a strong reputation.
  • ProBlogger Job Board: This is specifically tailored for blogging jobs and can be a great way to find clients who are specifically looking for blog content.

5. Offer Free Samples or Audits

  • Offer a free blog post or audit of their current blog. Show them how you can improve their content, SEO, or engagement. This can demonstrate your value and lead to paid opportunities.

6. Optimize Your Own Blog

  • SEO: Make sure your blog is optimized for search engines so potential clients can find you when they search for blogging services.
  • Portfolio: Create a dedicated portfolio section on your blog showcasing your best work, client testimonials, and the results you’ve achieved.
  • Content Marketing: Regularly publish high-quality content on your blog that targets your ideal clients. Use this content to demonstrate your expertise and drive traffic to your services page.

7. Guest Blogging

  • Write guest posts for well-known blogs in your niche. This not only builds your authority but also often includes a bio where you can link back to your own blog or services page.

8. Join Blogging Communities

  • Facebook Groups, Reddit, and Online Forums: Participate in communities where potential clients are active. Offer advice, share your expertise, and subtly promote your services when appropriate.
  • Content Agencies: Some agencies specialize in content creation and are always looking for reliable bloggers. Partnering with them can provide a steady stream of clients.

9. Referrals and Testimonials

  • Encourage satisfied clients to refer others to you. Offer a discount or a bonus for successful referrals.
  • Collect testimonials and case studies from past clients to showcase on your blog and social media profiles.

10. Collaborations

  • Partner with other professionals such as web designers, digital marketers, or graphic designers who might have clients needing blog services. They can refer you to their clients, and you can do the same for them.

11. Paid Advertising

  • Use Google Ads or social media advertising to target businesses or individuals who might need blogging services. This can be an effective way to reach a larger audience quickly.

By consistently applying these methods, you can build a robust client base for your blogging business.

Best Online Excel Courses For September 2024

The Bottom Line Microsoft Excel is a necessary tool in many business settings and a helpful one in many others. Learning even just the basics can make a big difference, and an online course allows you to gain knowledge and experience with the skills that are important to you, such as creating charts and graphs, analyzing data, and working with advanced formulas. Udemy is our top pick because it has the most well-rounded offerings and lifetime access to resources. If you have specific needs like learning VBA, Chandoo is the best option. Or, if you'd appreciate a course accessible from inside Excel, then we like the offerings from GoSkills. Compare the Best Online Excel Courses Guide to Choosing an Online Excel Course What Is the Average Cost of an Excel Course? According to our research, you'll find some price variation among both stand-alone and subscription-based classes. Stand-alone online Excel courses range from $125 for an introductory course to $347 for an advanced course focused on automation using Excel's scripting language, VBA. Subscription-based pricing ranges from $29 to $59 per month. Subscription training and education services, like Coursera, also include many other courses as part of the subscription, which may bring you additional value. What's Excel Worth? According to Microsoft, 35% of people who had earned certificates in its tech products reported that the credential helped them earn a pay raise. And 26% said it helped them gain a promotion. There's no guarantee the courses offered here will have the same effect on your career. But they can help you gain Microsoft certification (along with the skills you'll acquire) and all the benefits that come with it. How to Choose an Online Excel Course Online Excel courses can teach you the basics of navigating a spreadsheet and the complexities of VBA scripting. Understanding what you already know (or don't know) about Excel is a good place to start. Review course descriptions: All courses we've reviewed include descriptions detailing what the course will cover. Review these to determine if the course is too basic or too advanced and that it matches your educational goals, Follow a sample lesson: Most courses offer one or two sample lessons, so you can try them before you buy. Check your calendar: If you've found a course you're interested in, review the materials to determine the expected time commitment. This can range from a couple of hours per week to 10 or more for up to three months. Do you have the time? Check your budget: You've found a course that matches your skill level and educational goals and fits your schedule. Does it fit your budget? Why Take an Excel Course? If you're still deciding whether to take an Excel course, consider how having the skill might benefit you. Professional advancement: Some industries and careers require spreadsheet skills. A certificate from a course can be a helpful addition to your resume. Enhanced productivity: Excel is a powerful and versatile business tool. With a deep Excel skillset, you can improve your workflows and processes, getting more done faster. Data management, interpretation, and presentation: By mastering Excel, you gain control over all kinds of data, not just financial data. For example, with Excel, you can track the features of competitor products, compare them with your own product, and create charts to share your findings. Personal data management: Excel can help you at home, too, whether with budgeting, building a home inventory, planning a vacation, tracking health and fitness data, and more. Learn More About Excel You'll find lots of Excel resources on Investopedia, including information on how to do common business and investing calculations. Here are a few: Why You Should Trust Us Investopedia collected and analyzed course offerings from seven companies to identify the most important factors for readers choosing an online Excel course. We used this data to evaluate each company for costs, scope of lessons, educational goals, schedule flexibility, and other features to provide unbiased, comprehensive reviews to ensure our readers make the right decision for their needs. Next, we sought expert opinion from John Livezey, an adjunct information systems professor at Atlantic Cape Community College, where he teaches Excel in a classroom setting. Investopedia launched in 1999 and has been helping readers find the best online Excel courses since 2020. Frequently Asked Questions The online learning option works best if you’re a self-motivator. You can set and keep your own goals and objectives. These classes offer a variety of formats that you can tailor to your own tastes, from mobile apps and visual learning to online textbooks. Optimal classes should explore a range of topics, from the absolute basics of working in Excel to mastering VBA and pivot tables. Udemy, Excel Exposure, and Macquarie all touch on VBA, while Chandoo provides a comprehensive, in-depth VBA study. Some classes offer ample supplemental resources that remain available to you forever, such as Udemy.  The best classes feature at least four levels of learning, depending on the experience you go in with and acquire along the way. Jobs that require superior and advanced digital skills have increased significantly in recent years. The Council on Foreign Relations reported in April 2018 that these positions increased from 5% to 23% by that year, with the addition of approximately 32 million jobs in the United States alone. The number of jobs requiring little or no digital skills plummeted by 26%. Of the 13 million or so new jobs created since 2010, about two-thirds require at least medium skills in this arena. So, learning new digital skills is always a resume-builder. If you are doing the course to add to your resume or get a new job, choosing a course with a certificate is probably best. All of our choices above offer certificates, although some have a catch. Chandoo.Org requires that you specifically ask for a certificate, but this is simply a matter of clicking on the “Request Certificate” tab. The functionality isn’t available until the 12th week of enrollment, however, and this requires signing up for a membership. Microsoft offers paid courses with certificates and some free learning materials. Likewise, Coursera allows you to take courses, such as the one from Macquarie University, for free if you're willing to forego the certificate. You can take many classes for free if you’re learning for your own edification, if you’re starting your own business, or if you already own one. But again, you’ll have to pay if you want a certification to add to your resume. GoSkills offers the least expensive option at around $29 per month. However, if you're going to subscribe for many months, a one-time purchase course like those at Udemy could be cheaper. Financial support is available from some providers, such as Coursera. Other courses can cost $150 or more. Microsoft offers a free collection of video tutorials that can teach you the basics of working with Microsoft Excel. Lessons start with an introduction to columns and rows and progress through pivot tables and more. The short answer is absolutely. Excel has been a business spreadsheet stalwart for decades. It's hard to pin down the exact number of Excel users, but the continuing growth of paid seats for commercial Office 365 (which includes Excel) of 11% through 2023 demonstrates the continuing importance of the Microsoft Office Suite and Excel to today's businesses. Excel may be one of the most ubiquitous pieces of software, especially in offices, but it's not your only choice. And many are free. Here are several to consider (cost in parenthesis): How We Chose the Best Online Excel Courses We explored several course offerings to find out which ones appealed most to readers’ concerns, including budgets, goals, and their level of existing experience. Then we contacted John Livezey, an information systems and aviation adjunct instructor at Atlantic Cape Community College in New Jersey, for his opinions. He’s taught Excel for years in face-to-face settings and is a certificate-holding "Teacher of Business Computer Applications" issued by the New Jersey Department of Education.

Multiple Myeloma Remission: A Glimmer Of Hope

As soon as I entered complete remission for multiple myeloma, I felt a glimmer of hope.

The word "remission" carries a sense of hope and relief, like the first ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds after a storm. It means that the insidious signs and symptoms of cancer have diminished, bringing a glimmer of light to those fighting against it. This remission can be partial or complete, with the latter being the ultimate goal. In complete remission, all traces of cancer have disappeared, giving patients and their loved ones a sense of triumph and victory over this relentless disease.

But even in complete remission, there is still caution and a constant awareness. For doctors, a full remission lasting five years or more may suggest a cure, but it is not guaranteed. The risk of recurrence is always like a menacing shadow waiting to darken our spirit suddenly.

As I settled into the cushioned chair, mentally bracing myself for another round of Kryprolis (carfilzomib) and other chemotherapy drugs, a sense of dread washed over me. These medications were supposed to cure me, but at what cost? The potential side effects and the toll on my body weighed heavily on my mind. However, instead of succumbing to my fears, I chose to reframe them as "healing elixirs," hoping that this shift in perspective would help me endure the grueling treatment process.

I even performed reiki on the clear bags of fluids marked with a yellow "hazardous" label. I invited the nurses who carefully inserted needles into my arms to join me in visualizing positive energy. Reiki therapy is rooted in Eastern beliefs about the flow of vital energy through your body. The idea is that a skilled reiki practitioner uses light touch or hovering their hands above your body to guide this energy towards balance and healing.

I turned to my family and closest friends for support. They envelope me with their love and uplifting words, providing a beacon of hope during this challenging time. In addition, I hosted monthly wellness circles and joined support groups. Being surrounded by others who understood my journey helped alleviate the feeling of isolation. Every day, I hold a gathering called the Bells of Hope — a group where we take seven to 10 minutes to find inner strength and peace through moments of silent contemplation. We start by asking ourselves, "What are you grateful for?" This daily practice and its connections have given me the courage and resilience to keep moving forward.

Have you read the New York Times bestseller “Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds” by Dr. Kelly A. Turner? This book uncovers eight factors that can lead to spontaneous remission from cancer — even after conventional medicine has failed. The factors are listed below:

  • Changing your diet.
  • Taking control of your health.
  • Following your intuition.
  • Using herbs and supplements.
  • Releasing suppressed emotions.
  • Increasing positive emotions.
  • Embracing social support.
  • Deepening your spiritual connection.
  • For as long as I can remember, I have held steadfast to the notion that positive thinking can significantly impact our lives. However, after seeing the movie titled “The Farewell,” my beliefs have been bolstered. This poignant film (spoiler alert) follows the true story of a Chinese family grappling with their beloved grandmother's terminal illness. As they navigate through the emotional turmoil of her limited time left, they also struggle with the cultural tradition of whether to tell a loved one or keep a prognosis a secret. This ethic is considered acceptable in China, but it is deemed illegal in the United States.

    Despite the doctor's grim prediction of only three months to live, the grandmother defies all odds. She continues to survive more than six years later. Is it truly the power of positive thinking at work here, or is something more mysterious and unexplainable at play? This thought-provoking movie forces me to question the fragility of life and the role our thoughts may have in determining its course. Can we overcome illness and adversity, or is it just a fleeting illusion?

    Another film to watch is the thought-provoking documentary “Source: It's Within You.” Through interviews with dedicated scientists and real-life case studies, the show explores the incredible concept of using our minds to heal ourselves. One particular story captured my attention. A man who is also a doctor diagnosed with multiple myeloma claimed his cancer-free status was achieved through focused meditation. Using the combination of exploration, analysis and technology, we can witness how his mind has transformed his thoughts and blood composition. As the credits rolled, I couldn't help but reflect on how this groundbreaking research challenges our traditional understanding of healing and the incredible power of our minds.

    Based on my last bone marrow biopsy in June 2023, I am grateful to be in complete remission. In the world of multiple myeloma, minimal residual disease (MRD; amount of cancer that remains in the body) negativity is considered a significant prognostic tool. It signifies that no traces of disease were detected after treatment and has been linked to improved overall survival rates. Doctors use this measure to assess the effectiveness of treatments and predict which patients may be at risk for relapse. It also serves as a vigilant guard, monitoring and confirming remissions while warning early if the cancer returns.

    As of October 2023, I only receive one monthly immunotherapy injection, Darzalex Faspro (daratumumab), and no other medications. Though I am currently basking in complete remission, my positivity, combined with the accumulated results of all the healing elixirs and support, will continue to play an essential role in my journey toward defeating this illness once and for all.

    For more news on cancer updates, research and education, don’t forget to subscribe to CURE®’s newsletters here.

    The Content Marketer’s Edge: 10 Skills For Success In The Modern Era

    Content marketers need a core set of skills in our modern age.


    What do you think are the top skills content marketers need in their toolkits?

  • Writing and editing? Check.
  • SEO knowledge? Check.
  • Content strategy? Check.
  • Storytelling? Check.
  • Creative thinking? Check.
  • In truth, those skills are table stakes, especially with the onward march of generative AI. And with AI becoming a mainstay in the workplace, employers are shifting their focus from traditional qualifications to specific skills that drive success. This shift is ushering in a skills-based hiring revolution, leaving many content marketers wondering: What exactly are the in-demand skills I need to have?

    Recent research from SHL, a leading talent acquisition and management platform, has uncovered the top 10 skills employers across industries are looking for. These skills, proven to be in the skillsets of high-performing employees, are also important for content marketers looking to stay ahead in their careers.

    In this article, I’ll explore each of those skills, why they matter for content marketers, and how to develop them if needed, complete with examples and practical tips.

    Ready? Let’s go!

    1. The visionary strategist

    Look to the future to be a visionary content marketer!


    Content without strategy is like a ship without a rudder. You need a strategic, big-picture vision to make sure that your content maps to your company's (and team’s) broader goals.

    Imagine a B2B software company whose CEO dreams of simplifying complex IT. The content strategist doesn’t just write content briefs willy nilly or churn out random blog posts. They create a complete narrative that supports the CEO’s vision, from IT troubleshooting guides to deep dives into system integration.

    To develop this skill:

  • Check in with leadership on the long-term vision and translate it into a content plan.
  • Regularly sync your content strategy with the company's changing goals.
  • Create a vision board for your team that captures your strategic direction.
  • 2. The big-picture thinker

    To be a big-picture thinker, you need a bird's-eye view of what's going in your company and ... [+] industry.


    Tunnel vision won't cut it in content marketing. You need to connect the dots between seemingly unrelated ideas to create content that resonates across channels and audiences. Take a fitness app, for instance. A broad thinker expands the app’s content beyond workout routines, branching into nutrition, mental health, and work-life balance.

    To develop big-picture thinking:

  • Read content from different industries and disciplines to spark fresh ideas.
  • Brainstorm with team members, sharing insights from different fields.
  • Link seemingly unrelated concepts to generate unique content ideas.
  • (Hint: My card deck—The Blog Post Inspiration Deck—is a great tool for developing unique content ideas; it helps you pull from the details of your work and life to create content that no one else on the internet can create but you.)

    3. The motivator and empowerer

    Motivating others to create great content isn't a primary skill for content marketers—but those who ... [+] can, should!


    A motivated team is a productive team. Imagine a content marketing manager who sparks innovation with a "Content Creator of the Month" program, recognizing writers who push boundaries and deliver exceptional content and results.

    To become a motivator and empowerer:

  • Study leadership techniques, actively listen to your team, and celebrate wins.
  • Share success stories and encourage peer-to-peer appreciation.
  • Encourage your team to own their projects and give opportunities for growth and development.
  • 4. The market watcher

    Keep an eye on what's happening in your industry and with competitors so you can fill gaps as you ... [+] find them.


    Keeping tabs on industry trends and competitor strategies is vital for staying relevant. For example, imagine a content marketer for a tech company who notices a surge in discussions about AI-powered writing tools on social media and industry forums. They see this as an opportunity to create timely content that addresses readers’ growing interest in the technology.

    To become a watcher:

  • Set up Google Alerts to monitor keywords, competitors, and topics your target audience follows and get timely notifications about new developments.
  • Regularly review your competitors' blogs, social media posts, and websites to see what topics they’re writing about and identify gaps you can fill.
  • Use tools like Hootsuite or Mention to track conversations and mentions of your brand, industry, and relevant topics across social platforms.
  • 5. The ROI guru

    Monitor metrics that matter.


    If you want to win budget and prove your worth, demonstrate how your content is pulling the levers that matter. A SaaS startup's content team, for instance, might meticulously track how blog posts affect free trial sign-ups and demo requests to justify a growing budget.

    To develop this skill:

  • Learn basic financial concepts and how to calculate content marketing ROI.
  • Understand which metrics leadership cares about and set up a content scoring system.
  • Regularly report on how your initiatives are driving leads and sales.
  • 6. The continuous improver

    Keep on experimenting and improving your content.


    How often do you improve existing content? Resting on your laurels is a recipe for irrelevance. The most successful content marketers are always experimenting and optimizing. For example, an online course creator might consistently test different video lengths, interactive elements, and quiz styles to see what keeps learners engaged and drives higher completion rates.

    To hone this skill:

  • A/B test everything. Experiment with headlines, calls to action, content formats, and distribution channels to find what resonates best.
  • Dig into your analytics data to pinpoint what's working—and not. Use this data to make informed decisions that boost your content's performance.
  • Ask your audience and team members for honest feedback. Their insights can be invaluable for refining your content and strategy.
  • (Hint: You could also ask your editor—or ask me, if you don’t have an editor. I’m always happy to review content and share how to improve it.)

    7. The tech-savvy maven

    Use all the tech and tools available to make your job easier and your content better.


    If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re not a Luddite. And that’s good, because using the right tools can supercharge how you create, distribute, and analyze content. A leadership consultant, for instance, might use AI-powered presentation software to create visually stunning slide decks that captivate clients and communicate messages powerfully. They might also use social scheduling tools to make it easier to post thought leadership content consistently.

    To become a tech-savvy maven:

  • Subscribe to industry blogs, newsletters, and podcasts to keep tabs on the latest content marketing tools and tech.
  • Explore AI-powered tools for writing, editing, optimization, and distribution. I use AI tools daily—they save me time and elevate my content game.
  • Take workshops or online courses to sharpen your digital skills and stay on top of emerging technologies.
  • 8. The consensus builder

    Content marketing isn't always a solo sport; sometimes it's for a team!


    Content marketing isn't always a solo sport. If you’re in a larger organization, you might need buy-in and collaboration from others. For instance, imagine a global corporation’s content team that works hand-in-hand product marketing, customer success, and demand generation to make sure their storytelling hits broader business objectives and results in campaigns that work.

    To master this skill:

  • Talk about your content strategy's goals, target audience, messaging, and projected results in a way everyone can understand.
  • Back up your ideas and proposals with hard data and show how your strategy maps to the company's larger objectives.
  • Build strong relationships with key people across the company. Their support might mean the difference between a successful campaign and a flop.
  • 9. The empathetic storyteller

    Tell stories that touch your reader's heart and emotions.


    Content that truly connects is content that speaks to your audience's heart and soul. Consider a sustainable fashion brand that uses its platform to show the real-life effect of ethical fashion choices. By tapping into the audience's values and emotions, the brand can build a loyal community of like-minded people.

    To become an empathetic storyteller:

  • Create detailed audience personas that go beyond demographics. Consider instead each persona’s use cases, motivations, pain points, and aspirations.
  • Don't just guess what your audience wants. Have real conversations with them to understand their needs, challenges, and desires.
  • Weave stories into your content to evoke emotions, connect with your audience on a personal level, and inspire readers to take action.
  • 10. The quick learner

    Keep learning!


    To stay ahead in content marketing, be a sponge for new knowledge. For example, a nimble marketing agency might encourage its team to experiment with emerging platforms, allowing them to be the first to master new tools so they can create buzzworthy campaigns.

    To cultivate this skill:

  • View challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. The only way to fail is to stop trying.
  • Be a voracious information consumer. Explore online courses, workshops, conferences, and industry publications to stay on the cutting edge.
  • Don't be afraid to try new approaches. Learn from your successes and failures, and keep refining your strategies.
  • Wanted: Your human edge in the digital age

    AI won't eliminate the need for your human edge—not in my lifetime!


    As AI continues to revolutionize content marketing, the role of the human content marketer is becoming more crucial. While AI can streamline tasks and give you valuable insights, it's your uniquely human skills—creativity, empathy, strategic thinking, and adaptability—that will set your content apart.

    By mastering these 10 essential skills, you'll thrive in the modern era and become a driving force in your organization, creating content that captivates, converts, and leaves lasting impressions. The most successful content marketers are those who never stop learning and growing. Embrace the challenge, invest in your skills, and then, hold on! Your career is about to soar.

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